Port Access Route Study: Approaches to the Port of Cape Canaveral and Vessel Transit Offshore Jacksonville, Daytona, and Canaveral, Florida

Previous Meeting Information:
MSIB: View/Download
If you have questions about this notice of public meeting or the PARS notice of study, call or email Lieutenant Meredith Overstreet, Seventh Coast Guard District (dpw), U.S. Coast Guard; telephone 206-815-5857, email Meredith.D.Overstreet1@uscg.mil.
On April 17, 2024, the Coast Guard published a notice in the Federal Register announcing we were conducting a PARS to evaluate safe routes for vessel traffic transiting to and from the Port of Cape Canaveral and within the offshore waters of Jacksonville, Daytona, and Canaveral, Florida.[1] In the notice, we requested public comments on the PARS that closed on July 16, 2024. Additionally, we asked the public to inform us if they wanted a public meeting regarding the study area. We received two public comments requesting a public meeting.[2] We are scheduling a public meeting. The details on the meeting are located in the “Public Meeting” section of this document.
To access the original notice of study, refer to docket number USCG-2023-0822 in the Federal Register by utilizing the search box at https://www.federalregister.gov/ or by following the direct link: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/04/17/2024-08191/port-access-route-study-approaches-to-the-port-of-cape-canaveral-and-vessel-transit-offshore.
This announcement can be accessed on the USCG website by clicking here: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/09/12/2024-20746/port-access-route-study-approaches-to-the-port-of-cape-canaveral-and-vessel-transit-offshore#:~:text=SUMMARY%3A,Daytona%2C%20and%20Canaveral%2C%20Florida.