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Aerial image of ASI offloading lumber at Port Canaveral

Cargo Facilities

Cargo Facilities Map

Cargo Facilties Map



Cargo operations are a priority for Port Canaveral, serving a region with an economy that continues to diversify and a population growing at a rate three times the national average.  We continue to enhance and expand our facilities to leverage our location near Central Florida’s bustling I-4 corridor and the abundance of distribution and manufacturing shippers in short reach of our terminals.

North Cargo Facilities

NCB1    9180 Frank A. Kennedy Road
NCB2    9120 Frank A. Kennedy Road
NCB3    405 Dolphin Road
NCB4    535 Dolphin Road
NCB5    9119 Grouper Road
NCB6    9180 Grouper Road

NCB8    799 Snapper Road

South Cargo Facilities

SCB1    9055 Herring Street
SCB2    9049 Herring Street
SCB3    9047 Herring Street
SCB4    9070 Pompano Street

Berths may be reserved on a first come, first served basis by a Canaveral Port Authority permitted steamship agent.  Contact the Port Canaveral Harbormaster’s office for additional details at 321-302-2756 or email the Harbormaster.


A large container ship is securely docked at a bustling port, ready for loading and unloading operations.

Port Canaveral's Cargo Terminal covers 20 acres and features two Liebherr LHM 600 mobile harbor cranes, ensuring efficient cargo handling. For More Terminal Information Click Here


A large container ship is securely docked at a bustling port, ready for loading and unloading operations.

Port Canaveral's Liebherr LHM 600 mobile harbor cranes, have a certified max lift capacity of 154 tons, an 18-container reach and the ability to handle bulk cargoes.

Port Canaveral specializes in handling heavy lift cargoes, including large space components that are integrated into government and commercial space launch missions. The Port handles unique heavy lift project cargo transfers, such as satellites, rocket boosters, large cryogenic cooling tanks, and yachts, which are efficiently offloaded from cargo vessels onto specialized transporter units using one of the Port's two mobile harbor cranes.

Port Canaveral offers expertly trained stevedores, advanced handling equipment, and over 300,000 square feet of enclosed, dry, and secure dockside warehouses to efficiently manage the loading, unloading, and storage of diverse cargoes. Our team tailors their approach to each type of cargo, ensuring specialized care and handling. Over the years, we have successfully handled a wide range of goods, including steel, boats, frozen juice concentrate, lumber, wood pulp, newsprint, perishables, automobiles, heavy equipment, and project cargoes. For Additional Information Click Here


A large cargo ship is being loaded with a substantial object at a bustling port.

Port Canaveral supports a wide range of project cargoes, from specialized industrial machinery and aerospace components to large-scale defense equipment, driven by the region's unique aerospace programs, diverse manufacturing community, and growing population. Our two Liebherr LHM 600 mobile harbor cranes are ready to meet your project cargo handling needs with precision and efficiency.


Nearly four million tons of dry and liquid bulk cargo are handled annually at Port Canaveral, including petroleum, aggregates, salt and slag. Facilities feature a 2,800-foot aggregate conveyer system with a discharge rate of 2,200 tons per hour.

Cargo Questions?

Please contact Port Canaveral's Cargo Business Development team to learn how we can support your growth