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Sponsorship Requests


All requests must be submitted via email and must address criteria outlined in the CPA Sponsorship Policy in order to be considered.  Port Canaveral serves as the Gateway to Central Florida and our region’s maritime link to the international marketplace. In addition to our important economic role, the Canaveral Port Authority is a committed community partner in supporting activities and programs that contribute to greater understanding of Port operations, the maritime industry, and environmental stewardship. 
To better serve the community, the Canaveral Port Authority has established a sponsorship policy for greater accessibility and consideration of groups requesting support. The policy provides for twice-a-year call for sponsorships and provides requestors a  clear process to follow to assist in their planning. It also provides the means for the Port Authority to evaluate where its funding will have greatest impact. 
Sponsorship requests will be evaluated on the relevance of the event to one or more of CPA mission areas, consistency with the Canaveral Port Authority Charter and laws of the State of Florida, the nature and number of other sponsorship events already committed to or contemplated for approval, the budget for sponsorships, and prior experience with the event.  

Community Event Sponsorships 

  • Community Event Sponsorship requests will be accepted March 1-31 and September 1-30. 
  • To be eligible for a sponsorship, a Community Event Sponsorship should occur on CPA property. 
  • Community Event Sponsorships will also be evaluated based on (the following summarized areas): 
  • Event addresses one or more community engagement and education areas (as defined in policy) 
  • Number of attendees 
  • Data collection on event attendance/support 
  • Percentage of event budget being required from CPA 
  • Documented economic impact and financial return to CPA 
  • Expected promotional and/or marketing value 
  • Project impact on tenant businesses and community 
  • See Sponsorship Policy and Process for further details. 

Table Sponsorships 

  • Requests can be submitted year-round. 
  • CPA purchases a table or seats and/or provides services in support of regional, community, non-profit and civic events, where the presence of members of the Board of Commissioners and/or CPA directly support one or more of CPA’s mission areas or fosters relationships with stakeholders. 
  • See Sponsorship Policy and Process for further details