Your Gateway to Doing Business with Port Canaveral
Discover everything you need to connect with Port Canaveral as a trusted vendor. This streamlined portal provides all the tools and information you need to explore opportunities, stay informed and actively engage in our purchasing activities. Whether you’re a prospective partner or a valued current vendor, we’re here to make doing business with the Port efficient, transparent and rewarding.
Doing Business with Port Canaveral
Once a vendor has been selected for a contract or purchase, the vendor must provide to Purchasing Services a Port Canaveral Vendor Application, W9, and a current insurance certificate (ACORD form preferred) listing Canaveral Port Authority as additional insured. A vendor cannot be issued a purchase order or payment until these documents are submitted and processed.
All formal bid solicitations are listed on the Port Canaveral website on the Bids & Solicitations page. Vendors not registered with VendorLink are encouraged to check the website regularly for bid opportunities. In addition, advertisements may be placed in the Florida Today newspaper and other publications.